Κυριακή 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2008

Discrimination of pencil markings on paper using elemental analysis: An initial investigation

Στο καινούργιο τευχος του Journal of Forensic Sciences International (Volume 175, Issues 2-3, 5 March 2008, Pages 123-129), οι John A. Denman, Ivan M. Kempson, William M. Skinner & K. Paul Kirkbrideπαρουσιάζουν μια εργασία με τίτλο: "Discrimination of pencil markings on paper using elemental analysis: An initial investigation ".

In the new Issue of Journal of Forensic Sciences International (Volume 175, Issues 2-3, 5 March 2008, Pages 123-129), John A. Denman, Ivan M. Kempson, William M. Skinner & K. Paul Kirkbride present a paper titled: "Discrimination of pencil markings on paper using elemental analysis: An initial investigation ".

Περίληψη/Abstract: The characterisation and comparison of pencil markings on paper is an area of questioned document analysis that has previously not received much attention. Despite this, there would be value in an examiner being able to analyse two pencil markings and coming to a conclusion about whether they were from a similar or different source. Previous studies have analysed raw materials and bulk pencil cores for purposes of characterisation and differentiation, but to date, no studies have successfully analysed pencil markings non-destructively off a paper substrate. In this work, pencils from a number of manufacturers were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Analysis of data using multivariate techniques (principal component analysis), showed that ToF-SIMS can successfully be used to analyse such pencil markings to deduce whether two markings can be differentiated, in terms of inorganic elemental composition. It was possible to discriminate between pencil markings from different manufacturers, and it was also indicated that pencils from the same manufacturer, but discrete batches, can be significantly different.

PRAXIS—combined μ-Raman and μ-XRF spectrometers in the examination of forensic samples

Στο καινούργιο τευχος του Journal of Forensic Sciences International (Volume 175, Issue 1, 25 February 2008, Pages 1-10 ), οι Janina Zieba-Palus,Rafał Borusiewicz & Marcin Kunicki παρουσιάζουν μια εργασία με τίτλο: "PRAXIS—combined μ-Raman and μ-XRF spectrometers in the examination of forensic samples".

In the new Issue of Journal of Forensic Sciences International (Volume 175, Issue 1, 25 February 2008, Pages 1-10 ), Janina Zieba-Palus,Rafał Borusiewicz & Marcin Kunicki present a paper titled: "PRAXIS—combined μ-Raman and μ-XRF spectrometers in the examination of forensic samples".


Recently, two analytical techniques – Raman and XRF spectroscopy – have been often applied in criminalistic examinations of different kinds of trace evidences. In this paper, the application of the new combined μ-Raman and μ-XRF spectrometer in analysis of multilayer paint chips, modern inks, plastics and fibres was evaluated. It was ascertained that the apparatus possesses real advantages and could be helpful in the identification of examined materials after some modifications, i.e. by adding an extra laser and decreasing the spot size of the X-ray beam.

Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners/ December 2007

Κυκλοφόρησε το νέο τεύχος του Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners (JASQDE), Volume 10, Number 2, December 2007.

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The new issue of the Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners (JASQDE), Volume 10, Number 2, December 2007 has been released.

Here are the contents:

  • C.Equey, R.Marquis, W.D.Mazzella: Influence of writing posture on the Dimension of signatures
  • M.Blake: Book Review: Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents
  • R. Orta M., M. Ezcurra G.: Neurosciences applied to handwriting examination
  • L.J.Hart, L.Miller: Microsoft Access in the Questioned Document Laboratory
  • J.D.Guscott: Can you have the perfect training case?
  • A.R.Singla, O.P. Jasuja, S.Kaur: The efect of water soaking on Ballpoint pen writing

Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners: http://www.asqde.org/journal_e_journal.htm