Στα χέρια των αρχών έπεσε 56χρονος. Κατηγορείται για πλαστογραφία, απάτη, και υφαρπαγή ψευδούς βεβαίωσης. Ο δράστης επί τέσσερα χρόνια έβρισκε τοξικομανείς από την Ομόνοια, τους οδηγούσε στο τμήμα για να βγάλουν ταυτότητα και στη συνέχεια σε τράπεζες για έκδοση δανείων. Με τα χρήματα είχε αγοράσει 26 πολυτελή αυτοκίνητα. Ο 56χρονος είχε καταδικαστεί και στο παρελθόν ωστόσο δεν είχε προφυλακιστεί.
A 56 year old man was arrested. He is charged for forgery, fraud & false certification. The perpetrator for four years found drugs addict from the center of athens, led to the authorities to issue identification cards, and then he issued loans from banks. With the money he had bought 26 luxurious cars. The 56 year old man had been condemned in the past, however he had not been detained.
Blog Δικαστικής Γραφολογίας με πληροφορίες & εξελήξεις στο χώρο/ Blog on Forensic Handwriting & Document Examination, featuring informations & news
Πέμπτη 14 Ιουνίου 2007
Τετάρτη 13 Ιουνίου 2007
Diary of an Astronaut: Examination of the Remains of the Late Israeli Astronaut Colonel Ilan Ramon's Crew Notebook
Journal of Forensic Sciences
Volume 52 Issue 3 Page 731Issue 3 - 737 - May 2007
Diary of an Astronaut: Examination of the Remains of the Late Israeli Astronaut Colonel Ilan Ramon's Crew Notebook Recovered After the Loss of NASA's Space Shuttle Columbia
Abstract:Two months after the fatal re-entering into the Earth's atmosphere of Columbia flight STS-107, the remains of Israeli astronaut Colonel Ilan Ramon's Crew Notebook were found strewn in a field in San Augustine County, TX. The random pile of papers was found to have survived the calamity of the Shuttle's disintegration remarkably well. Most of the papers recovered were torn and/or washed out to varying degrees but only mildly charred around the edges. The sheets of paper could be categorized into four groups: Group I: eight sides of paper written while in space in black ink and in pencil—Ramon's personal diary; the writing on these eight sides of paper survived well and is only missing where the pages were torn. Small fragments found in the field were physically matched to holes in the pages thus locating their original positions in the text. Group II: six sides of technical preparation notes written by Ramon before the mission. The writing on these pages was washed out entirely, but much of it was visualized using infrared luminescence. Group III: eight sides of personal notes prepared by Ramon before the mission written in blue ink. The writing on these pages was barely visible to the naked eye and not visualized by infrared luminescence, but was made largely legible by digital enhancement imaging. Group IV: a few sides of printed technical information. These pages were mostly intact and were not examined at length as they contained standard printed material. After completion of examinations at the Questioned Document Laboratory of the Israel Police, the diary was transferred to the Paper Conservation Department of the Israel Museum for preservation and strengthening treatments.
Volume 52 Issue 3 Page 731Issue 3 - 737 - May 2007
Diary of an Astronaut: Examination of the Remains of the Late Israeli Astronaut Colonel Ilan Ramon's Crew Notebook Recovered After the Loss of NASA's Space Shuttle Columbia
Abstract:Two months after the fatal re-entering into the Earth's atmosphere of Columbia flight STS-107, the remains of Israeli astronaut Colonel Ilan Ramon's Crew Notebook were found strewn in a field in San Augustine County, TX. The random pile of papers was found to have survived the calamity of the Shuttle's disintegration remarkably well. Most of the papers recovered were torn and/or washed out to varying degrees but only mildly charred around the edges. The sheets of paper could be categorized into four groups: Group I: eight sides of paper written while in space in black ink and in pencil—Ramon's personal diary; the writing on these eight sides of paper survived well and is only missing where the pages were torn. Small fragments found in the field were physically matched to holes in the pages thus locating their original positions in the text. Group II: six sides of technical preparation notes written by Ramon before the mission. The writing on these pages was washed out entirely, but much of it was visualized using infrared luminescence. Group III: eight sides of personal notes prepared by Ramon before the mission written in blue ink. The writing on these pages was barely visible to the naked eye and not visualized by infrared luminescence, but was made largely legible by digital enhancement imaging. Group IV: a few sides of printed technical information. These pages were mostly intact and were not examined at length as they contained standard printed material. After completion of examinations at the Questioned Document Laboratory of the Israel Police, the diary was transferred to the Paper Conservation Department of the Israel Museum for preservation and strengthening treatments.
Δευτέρα 11 Ιουνίου 2007
Η υπεράσπιση του Lee Malvo, υπέβαλε αίτηση στον Δικαστή της κομητείας του Fairfax προκειμένου να επιτραπεί η κατάθεση πραγματογνωμόνων ανάλυσης φωνής, Δικαστικών Γραφολόγων, βαλλιστικής, DNA και αποτυπωμάτων, σε μια προσπάθεια να αποκρούσουν τις κατηγορίες.
Ο Lee Malvo είναι ο θετός γιός του Τζον Μουχάμαντ, γνωστού και ως «σνάιπερ της Ουάσιγκτον», ο οποίος καταδικάστηκε σε θάνατο.
The defence of Lee Malvo, submitted an application to the Judge of Fairfax County so that the deposit of experts of voice analysis, Handwriting, balistic, DNA and fingerprints is allowed, trying to rebut the procecussion. Lee Malvo is the adopted son of John Mohammed, known and as "The Washington Sniper", which was sentenced to death.
The NEW YORK TIMES: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D01E5DD1F3EF936A25750C0A9659C8B63&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
Ο Lee Malvo είναι ο θετός γιός του Τζον Μουχάμαντ, γνωστού και ως «σνάιπερ της Ουάσιγκτον», ο οποίος καταδικάστηκε σε θάνατο.
The defence of Lee Malvo, submitted an application to the Judge of Fairfax County so that the deposit of experts of voice analysis, Handwriting, balistic, DNA and fingerprints is allowed, trying to rebut the procecussion. Lee Malvo is the adopted son of John Mohammed, known and as "The Washington Sniper", which was sentenced to death.
The NEW YORK TIMES: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D01E5DD1F3EF936A25750C0A9659C8B63&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
Δευτέρα 4 Ιουνίου 2007
Έγραψε ο Χίτλερ το "Ο Αγών μου"; / Did Hitler write "Mein Kampf"?
Ενώνουν το παζλ της Στάζι/ Reassembling Stazi Puzzle
To Fraunhofer Institute κατασκεύασε μια μηχανή που θα συναρμολογήσει κομμάτι κομμάτι 45 εκατ. σκισμένα έγγραφα της Στάζι. Οι επιστήμονες του Ινστιτούτου Φράουνχοφερ έχουν ήδη λάβει πολλές αιτήσεις για την αγορά των λεγόμενων E-Puzzler από τις αρχές πολλών χωρών.
Fraunhofer Institute built a machine to reassemble piece by piece 45 million shreded documents from Stazi. The scientists of Fraunhofer Institute have already received alot of demands for the so-called E-Puzzler machine from many countries.
ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ: http://news.kathimerini.gr/4dcgi/_w_articles_world_196731_13/05/2007_226964
The GUARDIAN: http://www.guardian.co.uk/germany/article/0,,2076185,00.html
Fraunhofer Institute: http://www.fraunhofer.de/fhg/EN/index.jsp
Fraunhofer Institute built a machine to reassemble piece by piece 45 million shreded documents from Stazi. The scientists of Fraunhofer Institute have already received alot of demands for the so-called E-Puzzler machine from many countries.
ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ: http://news.kathimerini.gr/4dcgi/_w_articles_world_196731_13/05/2007_226964
The GUARDIAN: http://www.guardian.co.uk/germany/article/0,,2076185,00.html
Fraunhofer Institute: http://www.fraunhofer.de/fhg/EN/index.jsp
Σάββατο 2 Ιουνίου 2007
Νέες Προσθήκες στη σελίδα www.handwriting.gr
Νέες προσθήκες στη σελίδα www.handwriting.gr :
- F.A.Q. Δικαστικής Γραφολογίας: http://www.handwriting.gr/index.files/FAQ.htm
- Εξέταση Φωτοτυπικών Αντιγράφων: http://www.handwriting.gr/index.files/copy.htm
- Εκπαίδευση του Δικαστικού Γραφολόγου: http://www.handwriting.gr/index.files/training.htm
- Επιστημονική Διατύπωση Συμπερασμάτων: http://www.handwriting.gr/index.files/conclusions.htm
- Ολοκληρωμένη παρουσίαση της Ηλεκτροστατικής Συσκευής Ανίχνευσης (ESDA): http://www.handwriting.gr/index.files/esdalist.htm
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